

【熊本大学交渉紛争解決学のスペシャルゲスト講師 第3弾 Special guest teacher of the Conflict resolution class vol.3】

Now,the class is over.It was an intensive lecture over three and half hours.
We attended the lecture of Mr.Tetsuro Yoshimoto at Kumamoto university tonight.
I met him at Mokkonkan in Oguni Town more than fifteen years ago.And I visited Minamata Disease Museum together with Yoji Kamata, my close friend of college days to meet him eight years ago.Today was the reunion after a long absence.

He said at first.
‘In the case of Minamata Disease, we need to think back to the Meiji Restoration.The Meiji government had two slogans: Feealyh and military strength of a country and Fostering industry.Before Chisso was born, you must see the historical background that Japan was trying to become an industrial nation to catch up with Western Europe.’

He told us episodes with Ms. Eiko Sugimoto of Minamata disease patient and Mr. Yoshizumi Yoshii, former Mayor of Minamata city,and Mr.Minoru Goda ,and former Mayor of Aya town.

I was very impressed to hear the word of German philosopher Markus Gabriel he introduced .

‘A majority vote of democracy is meaningless without a foundation of ethics.’

Who is responsible for Minamata disease?
Chisso? Japanese government? Kumamoto Prefecture? Minamata City? Scientists and experts? The mass communication? Ourselves as Citizens?

The fourth time of this lesson is scheduled for Wednesday, September 26.This is a valuable opportunity. Don’t miss it!







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