Japanese government identified Minamata disease as a pollution-caused illness on September 26, 1968. Mr. Masami Ogata talked about Minamata disease (a type of poisoning caused by industrial mercury pollution) at Kumamoto university. He became the story teller of Minamata disease on September 26, 2007. The life of Mr. Ogata had been a life to keep running away from Minamata disease until he got 38 years old. From 38 to 50 years old, his life was all about the battle against Minamata disease. He said his life after 50 years old has been the life to be face-to-face with Minamata disease.
Mr. Ogata is a craftsman of a joiner and he makes Kokeshi doll putting a prayer in it to sent to the minister of environment every year. He has also sent those Kokeshi dolls with prayer to 140 countries overseas and more than 500 schools in Japan.
Reading a book written by Mr. Masato Ogata, uncle of Mr. Masami Ogata, was one of the reasons why I decided to study conflict resolution at graduate school. The title of the book was “ ‘Chisso’ was myself, after all”. Chisso, Tepco, McDonald, and Amazon… those companies became bigger because we had chosen them.
#塩谷知事 #水俣病 #緒方正美 #緒方正人 #水俣語り部 #熊本大学 #紛争解決平和構築学