


【熊本大学交渉紛争解決学のスペシャルゲスト講師 第1弾 Special guest teacher of the Conflict resolution class vol.1】

We got a lecture from Mr.Hajime Sugimoto at Kumamoto university last night. He has handed down the history of Minamata disease for many years.His lecture over three hours made me think about the deep meaning of “to forgive”.
I would like to express my gratitude to Associate Professor Akiko Ishihara who organized such a valuable lesson at Kumamoto university which has a negative history regarding Minamata disease. The second time of this lesson is scheduled for Thursday, August 2.This is a valuable opportunity. Don’t miss it!


#水俣 #熊本大学 #紛争解決平和構築学 #杉本肇 #石原明子